Ad Net Zero

Branding and website

An online action plan and user portal for supporters to track their commitment to taking necessary steps to start decarbonising their business and advertising operations.

Brand refresh
Responsive website design
Green hosting
WCAG Accessibility

How we helped

Ad Net Zero is the advertising industry's drive to reduce the carbon impact of developing, producing and running advertising to real net zero.
With just a logo and company vision, the Ad Net Zero team came to Good Design Studio to develop global brand guidelines, campaign marketing materials, and a high performing online hub.
We worked closely with the Ad Net Zero team to develop their brand values, tone of voice and visual identity. We created brand guidelines for logo usage, colour application, typography, and graphic styles to create an impactful brand identity.
Visit the live website
Ad Net Zero brand elements
Ad Net Zero brand guidelines.
Ad Net Zero social media posts
Ad Net Zero report design
Ad Net Zero Brand Guidelines. Tone of voice and brand positioning.
Ad Net Zero campaign adverts at Cannes
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Web design and development

Using these guidelines, we designed all campaign and event assets and developed the Ad Net Zero Global hub. This website helps the advertising industry address the climate emergency through various initiatives, training opportunities, and resources. On, you will also find dedicated pages for different countries where marketing and advertising communities are registered as Ad Net Zero supporters. For each country, we created an easy-to-use CMS section for uploading content that follows best sustainability and accessibility practices.
We continue to work closely with the team via their hosting and care packages, which includes a priority rate and response time for all design requests and site updates.
Ad Net Zero Homepage design
Ad Net Zero annual report design
Ad Net Zero mobile site design
Ad Net Zero user portal login design
Ad Net Zero user profile design
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Site Performance

Our website designs are focused on being efficient and attractive by improving user experience, increasing consumer engagement, and reducing digital pollution. Our green hosting is run on 100% renewable electricity from sources like the sun, wind 
and sea.
We continue to improve the performance across
all our sites.
94/100 Performance score
Google lighthouse testing
0.19g CO2 Produced per pageload
Global average 4.61g
95/100 Accessibility score
WCAG Accessible